Publishing Your Narrative Poem

09/19/2013 19:35

Class, you're going to type up your narrative poem in Microsoft Word and then turning it into Edmodo.  If you're not done with your poem, you'll have to just type up what you have and we'll grade it based on what you have.  The sub has your Edmodo login information if you forgot it.   Let's get started!  

Just a reminder, we want a narrative poem written in 3rd person limited with the narrator following the librarian.  4 verses with 4 lines in each verse.  Creative, following directions, and following our writing rules.

If you're not sure how to do something, click on 'How Do I Do That' to see a quick video.

  1. Open Microsoft Word --> How Do I Do That?
  2. Title your paper 'Narrative Poem' and center align it --> How Do I Do That?
  3. Type up your poem --> How Do I Do That?
  4. Change your font to either Cambria, Calibri, Helvetica, or Times New Roman, size 14, and 1.5 line spacing --> How Do I Do That
  5. Add a header with your name, class number, and date --> How Do I Do That?
  6. Save your narrative poem to the desktop and title it 'Narrative' with your initials after it --> How Do I Do That?
  7. Save your narrative to the Edmodo backpack too --> How Do I Do That?
  8. Turn your paper in on Edmodo --> How Do I Do That?

When you finish, you may finish your colonial scavenger hunt.  If that's done, then do an Instagrok search on 'properties of matter' and explore and learn something new!